Be Thankful
When you think of the word thankful, there are many things that can be related to the concept of thanks. So at a basic level, let’s examine what the apostle Paul is talking about to the church of Colossae. In Colossians 3:15, we are told to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body, and be thankful.” He continues with the mindset of thanks by saying that “whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him” (Col. 3:17). This is something that he repeats to the other churches as well: Ephesus (Eph. 5:20), Philippi (Phil. 4:6), and Thessalonica (1 Thess. 5:18). It would seem that this is a foundational truth that Paul wanted to repeatedly remind the church of its importance in being the primary focus of their lives.
The list can be extensive when considering the things for which we are thankful. Take a moment to think about the things you are thankful for. I’m sure many of you have definitive answers like family, salvation, a place to live, etc. However, there are several things that should be more important when you look at things that will help us walk with Christ and be more like Him.
The foundational thing that all Christians should be thankful for is the love of God and Christ for everyone. No matter how far we have fallen and how much we do, the fact is that Christ’s love for us never changes, nor will it ever be taken from us. Sadly, many will reject this love and miss out on the greatest gift. For those of us who have accepted this gift, it is essential for us to always remember that it is available. Psalm 106:1 gives this reminder: “...For His mercy endures forever.”
Another thing to be thankful for is God’s unconditional provision for our needs. Paul reminds the Philippian church of this in his letter to them (Phil. 4:6-7). It is important to note that what may be perceived as a need may not be an actual need. Many people will say that they need something that is extravagant, but is not a necessity. For example, if someone was praying for a new vehicle, what would they be praying for? Would they specifically pray for a sedan that will accomplish what is needed or some luxurious vehicle that will make them look good and feel important? So, as Christians, we need to remember that when we have a need, that we are still practical and purposeful with our requests.
Being thankful for your time on this earth is something that some take for granted. However, we know that there are only a limited number of days that we are given, and each one that we have is a blessing from God. There is an old saying that alludes to: ‘if you knew that you only had a few moments, you would do many things.’ However, what we should be doing is redeeming the time that we have. We should accept the opportunity to serve Christ and others instead of, many times, wasting the days on ourselves. The scripture that comes to mind is James 4:14, which says, “For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”
A great thing to remember is that our friendships with those around us is something for which we can be thankful. We are reminded in Proverbs 27:17 that iron sharpens iron. This is what a true friend will do for you. They will help strengthen you and be honest when things are not right, even if it is hard, but simultaneously be someone who listens with a good heart when you do the same thing for them. When you are at your lowest point, knowing that you can pick up the phone and they will be ready to drop everything to help is something we all treasure.
We should also be thankful that when we mess up, God is quick to help us in our disasters. We often have done things and want to blame everything or anyone but ourselves. However, when we repent, Christ will help us through the bad times. When we are thankful for the fact that Christ has the strength to help us through every situation that is possible, it is then that we understand what God’s help is truly meant for. Not for us to continually cause problems for God to solve, but realize that God is ready to help the believer in their walk if they will just stop and listen. Additionally, many times we will be warned about the temptations. This allows us to be able to avoid them and the consequences that could result.
Additionally, you should be thankful that you have a body of believers who are more than just a group of friends. They will be there for each other and give you someone to turn to no matter what is needed because you are all of like-faith. Paul tells the church of Colossae that they should be thankful that they are all unified together. So, when we look at this passage, we are reminded that we are never alone when we have that close-knit group of Christians. Those with whom we have fellowship many times at our churches, Bible studies, and homes. The great thing is that at our local churches, we also have another tool of great assistance: our pastors. Here, God has placed a person who will help you grow as a Christian, be there for encouragement along the way, and also understand many of the things that God has tasked for each of us.
For the Christian, the final thing we should be thankful for is our eternal home. We are promised that, as children of God, when we depart this earth, we will be called to our heavenly home to worship God and be reunited with those who have passed away. It is to be the most fantastic family reunion of all time. Because of this promise, Christians can be thankful for all eternity.
We can be thankful for these things because we have received them. But what about opportunities to help others in their times of need? We see several examples in Scripture about how people were thankful for what they had, that, in turn, they wanted to give to others as a way of appreciating their abundance. So how can we show our thankfulness to others? This is a time for you to think again about what things you can do for others for which you can be thankful. Again, look at a few scriptures to see if the above examples made your list. If not, some of them could be added to your list.
What would you say when you think about the most difficult things you can give others? Two of the most difficult things you can give others are money and time. Each of these is a limited resource; once given, it is no longer available. The best example I can think of regarding our money is the widow’s mite found in both Mark and Luke’s gospels. Here, a woman had so little that many would have thought of it as insignificant, but when Christ saw the gift, He pointed out how she used her finances. This could be interpreted as an example of her thanking God for the finances with which she was entrusted. Using these two vital aspects of our life could be the most remarkable testimony to others about who God is and what He can do for them.
When giving to others, it is always good to be mindful of the attitude in which you are giving it to them. If it is done just to get it over with, then thankfulness will be less prevalent. However, if you give a cheerful attitude, it will be much better received, and your blessing will be much higher. We discussed this in the previous blog, “Be Exceeding Glad,” so we will not spend a lot of time on this. It is good to remind ourselves that a cheerful gift is much better received than a have-to gift.
When it comes to giving back to God, the time we spend with Him in prayer and His word is the best use of our time because we have willingly chosen to separate ourselves and not pay attention to all the world's distractions. The most important thing about being thankful is not the receiving part, but is many times the giving part. When you think about being thankful for the opportunities to help someone in their time of need, it brings to a whole new level the spirit of being thankful. So, as you grow in your Christian walk, be focused on both avenues of thanks. The gifts that have been given to you have been given because of the need that you are experiencing. They are also given so that you can give to others who, at that time, needed something you were able to provide.